About Us
IRECON Insurance Services Pty LtdWhy Irecon is the right choice
Irecon Insurance Services Pty Ltd commenced trading in 2010 under the corporate entity, Insurance Advisernet Australia. Irecon is a general insurance advising firm offering services to a wide range of corporate, commercial and retail clients. Whilst the company caters to a diverse group of clientele, its specialist area of operation is within the construction and related industry market segment.
The principals of Irecon have a combined industry experience in excess of fifty (50) years in the Australian insurance market.
The company’s objective is to provide superior client service to a key group of clients utilising our intricate market knowledge and existing long term insurer relationships. Calling on our past insurance advising experience in both corporate and small business advising, we believe Irecon can provide a unique value add service to customers by adopting a personalised boutique advising style service combined with corporate advising knowledge, professionalism and market clout.
Community Support
Irecon Supports:
Irecon is proud to sponsor two IMB South Coast Blaze Blaze Premier League Netball players. Click here to view more on the Blaze.

Abbey McFadden

Kristina Brice

The principals of Irecon have a combined industry experience in excess of fifty (50) years in the Australian insurance market.

Irecon Insurance services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty Ltd (AFSL 240549)
Corporate Authorised Representative Number 355956

Irecon Insurance services Pty Ltd trading as Insurance in Infrastructure
Corportate Autohorised representative number 355956
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